The Struggle vs Our Power

I had a vision of a person becoming overwhelmed by the struggle of playing second fiddle to those persons that are considered the "elite" because of their economic gains.  This person always played according to the rules of society and trusted that everything that we encountered as a people was due to our personal decisions.  They waited in lines as instructed and listened to authority in order to avoid any negative consequences.  Then one day this person was informed that *his/her bank account was being frozen.  
*from this point on I will refer to the person as male

He decided to do the right thing and go directly to the bank to inquire about what was happening and how he could fix it.  As he waited in line, he pondered what he would say to the teller and thought of how he would support his family in the event that they would not reopen his only means of funds.  He was lost in his own thoughts as the line moved forward; he was next up to the counter.  He thought to himself, "Do I have all of my necessary documents?  I pray I can get this taken care of right now, I'm up next".

Just as the window cleared, he waited to be motioned over by the teller, not wanting to upset her by his presumption to approach before she was ready.  He thought of how he needed to make sure he caught her in the best mood possible in order to get the help he needed.  He glances down to his forms, straightens his clothes and clears his throat... any minute now.  His heart begins to race, so he attempts to yawn to bring himself back to a calmed state of existence.  His eyes meet that of the teller.  This is his signal to approach.  However, before he can complete his first step; a businessman whizzes by him without a second glance.  The man goes directly to the counter and begins to laugh loudly, while speaking about having to deposit all of his money before he heads off for vacation.

The gent in line sighs and slumps his shoulders in disbelief.  "REALLY", he thinks aloud.  He goes into silent prayer, "God, now I know you know my heart and my struggles.  I am trying to be a good man, I am trying to provide for my family, I am trying to overcome the obstacles by using the strength you have given me... but I cannot and will not be walked on and bypassed because of my financial status.  Please, give me a sign and I will do your bidding."

Before he could even think an "amen", he noticed a soft murmuring among the people in line behind him.  "Thank you, Jesus!" he thinks to himself.  This IS his sign.

He then begins to speak openly to the teller, the businessman and all within earshot, about the unfairness of allowing someone to be treated as royalty because of the perception that they could offer more than someone in a less financially stable position.  

"We've been in line, waiting patiently, just as the rules depict.  It's been over half-an-hour and you mean to tell me that this man can just saunter up to the counter and bypass everyone?!  I'm DONE with these supposed rules and checks-and-balances!  I recognize my power among the haves... WE ARE THE MAJORITY!  WE ARE THE 99%!!!!!  We do you [banks] a favor by allowing you to hold our money; just for you [banks] to turn around and loan it back to us at extreme interest rates.  Our reward for keeping your doors open is to be greeted by monthly fees and assessments that keep us in a cycle of working for someone to build their dreams all the while, struggling to stay afloat in a sea of debt.  WE ARE MODERN DAY INDENTURED SERVANTS!!!!  WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!!  They need us way more than we ever needed them!   
If you want to change the system... you must break the system and rebuild from the rubble.  I'm not saying to rebel from a physical standpoint, but we MUST do something.  Times are not changing for the better without effort from us as individuals!  Withdraw all of your money, stop shopping at the big box stores, stop supporting the things that work to keep us in a vicious cycle of poverty!  WAKE UP TO YOUR TRUE POWER!!!"

He was then escorted by security, but not before sparking the light of knowledge and action within the customers that had previously shuffled through the lines and paid the never-ending fees in a zombie-like manner.  He knew that although he was being taken away, his determination and awakening would carry on.  


Notice any ties to our current economy and way-of-life?

The truth is; we as a people possess more power than we ever give ourselves credit for having.  Whether the power is to overcome social-economic restraints and struggle or to simply coexist through love and light... the power is ours and our alone.  Once we recognize and embrace this fact, we will be able to begin to reclaim the world for its rightful purpose.  

Perhaps today will be the day that you choose to truly Be The Change You Wish To See.

*Peace and Blessings*

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