Sync your Steps

Have you ever had those moments that you think of something and make mental intentions to carry-out actions towards completing the task, but as time goes on you can't remember if you did those things or not?  Yeeeeaaaaaa, that's a confusing statement even to me, and I wrote it!  Let me explain...

Sometimes I look at messages on social media at the worst times.  (Who am I kidding... I do this most of the time?!)  I'm running around like mad and quickly take a glance at the phone or laptop with that telling blinking message box.  I tell myself that I have way too much going to stop in my tracks, but that darned curiosity and concern gets the best of me.  I mean, what if someone needs me?!  What if there is a free grocery giveaway around the corner from my home and it will only last for 30-minutes?!  What if I have to spring into action to save the world?!

Okay, I'm aware that these what if's are unlikely, but I want you to understand how my thoughts work.  I don't go small on anything, or if I do go small... it's only a stepping stone to the progressive thoughts that fill my head at any given moment.  (Perhaps that is why my dome is so big!... Sorry, I digress)

I mention all of this because of a couple different reasons.  
  1. Why in the world do I always look at these messages, knowing full and well, the time it takes to read them is time stolen from my chaotic tasks at hand?
  2. When I read these messages, of course I often am without the time it takes to respond, yet I always respond.... In my mind.  (Seriously, I think out a full response that is in such detail that later when I am supposed to really respond, I think I already have).  Tell me I'm not alone in this!
You know what this means?  I've got too much going on and I am spreading myself too thin.  Oftentimes, I find that my mind gets out of sync with my steps, when I forget to ground myself or meditate to seek/hold on to balance.  It's the mental equivalent to having a to-do list of getting five things from five different stores and deciding to complete the list by picking up one thing from one store per visit, while repeating the cycle twenty-five times in succession of closest to farthest location. Doesn't make any sense, does it?  

When things get overwhelming and thoughts don't seem to sync with actions, we must slow down and take a step back.  We must access the situation to determine the importance and remind ourselves that although we are magickal beings by nature, we mustn't forget to pause for the human experience.  Which is fancy jargon for, slow down and live within the moment; don't tie yourself to more than your soul can carry.  Yes, we are strengthened by that which carries progressively more weight.  However we must remain cognizant that sometimes, too much weight does nothing more than break all that it encounters.

Today, vow to get stronger.  Remember to begin from within.

*Peace and Blessings*

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