Judge Not

It can often be so simple to see the flaws in the actions of another.  For instance, I have a guilty pleasure of watching reality television shows.  You know, The Real Housewives of This and Love & Hip-Hop That.  I've attempted to turn away, but the more I pretend to not be interested, the more I'm roped into the seemingly outlandish drama that ensues on every episode.  I am glued to the screen with jaw agape and look forward to the discussions (with my best buds) that follow thereafter.  I mean, did you see the reunion part I episode?!  Goodness, gracious!!

Then I take a moment as I see the incidents magnified over-and-over throughout the day, to reflect on the true reality of what we are bearing witness to.  The events trending on social media, them being discussed on blogs (lol, including this one), the incidents mentioned on television programs, along with a host of other media outlets.  The interesting bit I noticed is that each show that discussed the aforementioned incident, stated how they did not condone violence, yet continued to replay the scene over and over with wide eyes and expressions of edge-of-seat-excitement.  A few even went as far as to direct audience members on where we could go to view the incident in its entirety.
"They who see the faults in others often fail to see their own mistakes."  -The Golden Mirror
Point being, we ALL make mistakes; some more severe than others, but I suppose even that statement in itself is a judgment call.  The simplest action anyone can make is to judge the action/behavior of another.  However, we must take pause when we have the inclination to pass judgment on another, because the likelihood is great that the very action we are seeking to assess is a direct reflection of something within ourselves.  Begin from within, my soul friends.  

*Peace and Blessings*

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