WTF, Mercury Retrograde?!

I have a real love-hate relationship with Mercury Retrograde right about now.  Let me just give you a little run down on my run-ins, just since this phase came into play...

  • Power Surge in just our apartment, although we live in a 6-unit building
  • Cable reverts to old system and therefore slows down (and often stops) our internet connection and cable channels
  • I somehow walk straight through a drug-deal..... Oh, yea people... you read that correctly
  • After the aforementioned drug deal.... A black cat crosses my path (I seriously COULD NOT make this stuff up)
  • Central AC goes out during hottest week thus far (come to find out, it was a delayed effect from the power surge)

I'm sure there was more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.  Seriously though, we all know that there is no such thing as coincidence and I knew Mercury Retrograde could have the tendency to affect moods and technical equipment, but dayum!  

Plus my empath senses have been off the charts!  Crying for no apparent reason, and rage?  OMG, rage that would make the Hulk look like a sprightly feary!  It just comes out of the blue and then after I rage out (internally, or by writing); it's gone.  If I didn't know any better, I would swear I was losing the plot (as my friends from across the pond would say).  Thankfully my family and I have seen most of this before and it's not the end of the world, but it sure as hell has been inconvenient!  Nothing like showers right before bed and covering yourself in cornstarch; whilst you try to levitate above your bed because it's simply too hot to come in contact with anyone or anything.  (But I digress)

The good news is (yes, there is good news)... these events don't even register on the radar of life as it pertains to importance.  I grew-up without AC, witnessed more than my fair share of sly deals; I've gone without cable and didn't even have a computer in my adult life until I was about 26 years of age.  These things are of no real importance when it comes down to it, so perhaps that is the lesson the universe is bringing to my attention.  Do I need these things to survive?... Nope.  They are simply conveniences that I have grown accustomed to having; which by recent events have proven to be detrimental to my understanding of true value.  

Point is this (before I start going off on a rant)... sometimes the very things we feel that are making our lives more difficult are simply reminding us of what is important.  Truth is nothing outside of us is of consequence as it pertains to material goods.  What matters are the individual and then the collective, because of course; we are one.  So the next time I am quick to blame Mercury Retrograde, or anything for that matter; I will remind myself to pause to also thank it.  Perhaps you might think of doing the same?

*Peace and Blessings*

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