Keepin' it Real

I've had an epiphany! I realized that I am still not giving you all my true self and that realization sucks! Simple fact is that when I deliver 'messages' as received from Spirit, or even when I speak to people in general, I find myself molding to their realities. My empathic side kicks in and I lose myself in the emotions of another. It's pretty much the same thing as picking up an accent after being around someone that speaks with one. You know intrinsically that you have no 'real' accent of which to speak, yet you find yourself stretching letters out of the norm or running words into one-another as if, you always spoke that way. Well, that's what it's been like for me.

Don't get me wrong, because sometimes this trait can play in my favor. However for the purpose of this journey, I am working on being my most authentic self. That means, I curse... I use slang (poorly)... I make up phrases and terms that amuse me, and that's just the tip of the iceberg! Why the hell can't I just stick with that?!

Well, from here out, I vow to put forth real effort to give you my truth; whether that be during a reading, at a book signing (which is a totally separate blog in itself), or even at a formal function. Sure people may think I'm weird or an oddball and they might not even know how to respond to me (which is something I'm very used to)... But the truth is; who cares?! At the end of the day I'm me; and that's all I can ever hope to be! The judgment that I perceive is simply the judgment that I project; the insecurities that I harbor are at the fault of none other than moi. 

It's about high-time that I just got over myself! What does that mean for you?... Hmmmm, just wait and see! ;)

*Peace and Blessings*

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Because I can't write if there's no power
Please & Thank You


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