House Cleaning

I've been going through this "clean house" phase lately. It's literally just like it sounds... Cleaning and revamping my home. I'm doing it because I've been feeling hella stuck and needed some sort of oomph to get myself out of this ho-hum cycle of, sale-ole-same-ole. Between being sick dayum near every day since the turn of the New Year and just feeling like Pat, I couldn't just sit on my ass and be content with what I considered to be bullshit. 

Funny thing is, as I was feeling stuck and drab and all things non-fabulous, I have still been helping others along their journey. Delivering visions/ messages/ guidance; as directed by Spirit. It left me feeling like a fraud. How in the hell can I really be helping someone else if I don't even have my shit together?! That's the funny thing about divine life... we are all connected! I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that a time or two before. ;)

It is this connection that allows us to be a beacon of light to another, even if we are feeling like the pit of darkness. Trust me when I say, it ain't easy... but it is totally necessary. You see the thing about helping another up; is you are also being elevated by the powers that be. Listen, I don't do the things that I do because I am banking on some reward to come through. I do everything because it is in my heart... it's literally that simple. Yes, the perks of seeing the divine shine through another are a great reward and allows me to feel confident in my purpose; but it isn't my drive. 

Bottom line is this:
Do something nice for someone, especially if they cannot repay you. No, seriously... Do it! Even if you're feeling like shit; you'll be uplifted.

LOL, annnnnddddd I got away from the point of, "cleaning house". Sorry, you all know I tend to zone. Anywho... when you feel like crap, I look at it the same as when I start cleaning or redecorating. There comes a time when it seems as though things are WAY worse than when you started. But if you continue and push through, you'll be able to stand back and tell yourself, "I Did That!" So whether it is helping yourself or another in their "cleaning house"... just do it! You'll thank yourself later... I know I did.

*Peace and Blessings*

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