Seriously!?... Another Test?

You ever notice that the moment you being to walk on sunshine, something comes your way to try to knock you off of cloud nine? 
I'm using weather references because I'm in Chicago and totally over this cold weather; but I digressed. 
I have been experiencing GREATNESS! OK, let me bring that to real terms. Things have been going mostly awesome with the crap being held to a minimum. I've been so focused on the sunbeams; that I haven't let the darkness or icky cold get into my spirit or affect the way that I feel. It's been fucking awesome! This doesn't mean that I've stopped my 'counseling' of others or delivering visions that pull at the heart strings. However, I'm learning not to embrace these feelings as my own and instead; I watch them flow as they are naturally supposed to. 

I even forgot to mention how I earned a scholarship for a mentor-ship program that is not just feeding shit into my head; while trying to turn me into some zombie that bears the company brand. [Oopppssss, too real?]

Anywho... this program?... This program is FUCKING AWESOME! I'm still in week one and have already learned so much about myself. It's freeing to have a mirror of acceptance and knowledge held up in front of you that allows you to receive and accept your own personal truth. There is nothing cookie-cutter about it and I am feeling free by understanding my 'differences'. 

Even when things go 'bad'... they have been great!

Then and suddenly, there is a slight disagreement and BAM!!!! I get called every name in the book that is allowed. I know that the words mean less than nothing and they are coming from a place of hurt and confusion; however I am human. I am a sensitive human to boot! So to pretend that these words, letters placed in an order according to Webster; don't cut into my spirit would be a blatant lie. So why am I writing about this when we should be focusing our glances towards the stars?... Well, it's to show that we are not infallible or incapable of feeling hurt/sorrow/etc. Thing of it is, I was able to sit back from the moment and recognize it for what it was: A hurt heart speaking from a hurt place. It had nothing to do with me as a person.

Annnnnndddddd, it came at a moment that I was soaring as an attempt to bring me down from the clouds! Just another mutha-fuckin-test! But take a good guess what?! I felt it, I searched for meaning and then... I let that shit go!

Is there anything that you need to reassess and let go? 

*Peace and Blessings*

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