Hol' The Fuk Up!

This week has literally gone by in the blink of my eyeball!... Yes, the eyeball. 

OK, so maybe that was a slow wink, but if you can imagine a week going by in the time it took for that eye to close and re-open, it's pretty damn fast. But this blog isn't about the speed of an eye wink (no matter how fascinating the subject may be).

I've learned TONS of shit this week! I've been stepping back from the outside world in order to observe and enjoy, rather than carry the self-inflicted 'burden' of facilitating and overseeing each day carry out in glorious perfection. Well, what the hell does that mean, Marisa?! -- GREAT QUESTION!

Basically, I've been quiet when it comes to inserting myself into the lives of others and I've simplified my life by focusing on my core. No, not an ab workout (although I could use it); my core as in, my family and myself; while at the same time remaining open to the possibility of others reaching out to me. I'm thinking I've been going about certain things all wrong. Of course I've had the very best intentions, but we know what Lauryn Hill says about good intentions. ("the road to hell is paved in good intentions")  Again, I digressed.

Here I've been seemingly chasing down souls and knocking them over the head as if I was trying to make some sort of unspoken quota, all the while feeling like I was getting lost in the mist. I've been so focused on my divine purpose, that I've forget the number one rule of beginning from within. Well, my friends... that ship has sailed and now I'm shifting my focus again. I recognize that I am here to help others, but one cannot help those that are running away. And we sure as hell can't help someone else if we are extra fuked up ourselves! Keep in mind that no one is 'perfect' outside of being perfect forms of themselves within any given moment and even the most spiritually inclined soul has off days...

But right now, I'm just stepping back with open arms so that I may receive as HE intends, as opposed to continuously bumping my head against the wall and trying to create a door that isn't there.

Is it time for you to, hol' the fuk up?! Rest and reassess... Seek within for everything you need, you already possess.

*Peace and Blessings*

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