Sofa King Sensitive

Is it just me or is the universe getting turnt up?! I mean seriously, I went to an appointment today with my youngest daughter and felt like I was in a swirl of chatter! I even took a moment to try to hone in on some of it, mainly in hopes of sustaining some semblance of sanity midst the chaotic cacophony of noise. It was as if the world was vibrating at an even higher frequency than usual and lil ole me was hearing/ experiencing it all. Of course I was with my baby girl, so I couldn't take too much time trying to tighten up the ole Jean Grey skills, so I simply tried to tune it out by focusing on one thing/person at a time.

This, my friends, is one of the fun parts of being a Highly Sensitive Person. Getting to hear, see, and experience the world as if you have the sharpest senses known. I tend to see things that most don't notice. I smell things... Lordy, do I smell things... that most overlook. I cannot walk through a perfume section of a store, nor have I ever been able to wear cologne; even when I wanted to because after a short-time I couldn't handle the scents. I used to joke and say I was part wolf before I found out about HSPs.

To be quite honest, it's fucking exhausting! Then again, perhaps I'm looking at things the wrong way... Perhaps I just need to step back from the noise, the vibrations and seek understanding. Maybe, just maybe I was 'made' to be sofa king sensitive for a grander purpose. Hmmmm, it's time to seek within instead of searching around for those that are near me to give me the answers I seek. 

I'm super sensitive... It's my Super Power. 

What's your super power?

*Peace and Blessings*

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