I Learn As You Learn

If you've seen my latest YouTube video, you've heard directly from me that I am now doing private email readings. I've been doing readings for a few years now; between delivering visions... offering Spiritual advice, intuitive readings, empathic readings and soooo much more. This isn't my first go round with all of this, it's simply a new venture in that I am now exploring the business side of things, while maintaining affordable prices (because I understand how financial struggles can be, but I also realize that I gotta eat and pay bills).

However, this post isn't about charging for readings, as much as it's about the readings themselves. You see, readings provide a great service. And no, I'm not aiming to brag on my gifts or abilities; I'm simply stating the obvious, or perhaps a hidden truth that has yet to be revealed. Thing about readings, or even life experiences for that matter, is that they all serve to provide clarity and lessons. The great thing about these lessons is that they are not mutually exclusive to only relate to the person that experiences them or receives them! Let me explain...

We are all connected, I'm sure I've mentioned that a time or two (or million); and thanks to this divine connection, those that are willing to see these invisible threads are also able to see how our personal ties unite our experiences. [Wait, what?] OK... Let me rephrase this. Just because something happens to you, doesn't mean that I can't learn anything from your experience and in-turn apply that knowledge to my life. [Is that better?]

Long story short, I learn as you learn.

How about you? Are you allowing the lessons and experiences of others to enhance your knowledge too? Are you growing from the moments of those around you, or simply baring witness? Something to think about...

*Peace and Blessings*

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