The Truth

My sensitivities can serve as both a blessing and a curse. I am slow to open my heart on a personal level to strangers, yet my heart remains open to everyone. Sounds very contradictory, I know; yet it's the best way to describe how I 'work'.

When it comes to friends, I generally keep numbers very low. I've been hurt more times than I can count; which you would think to cause me to build a wall of protection, preventing me from making myself open to other friendships... yet I continue to give. Want to know why I do it? I suppose you could say that I've been searching to fill a void, which would be a true statement. But I mainly continue to give because I simply wish treat people the way that I want to be treated. Does this work?.... weeelllll, the jury is still out on that one. Or should I say, depends on who we are referring to.

All-in-all; the benefits always outweigh the pitfalls. (Is that the saying?... Anywho...)

To be totally honest, my gifts are major blessings; but sometimes the responsibilities behind them make me want to retreat into quiet seclusion. No, I don't have to use my gifts to work with or help others; but I choose to because it is innately who I am... it is my divine calling. Does this make me any better than the next person?... Not in the least. We all have different gifts that we can use to help others; whether that be from improving ourselves alone or by literally working with others.

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this post. Heck, truth be told I'm never sure what I'm talking about... lbs. Hmmmmm, what's the point?...

I suppose the point of this is to say that everyone has struggles, but everyone also has great strengths. The trick is to focus on the strengths and to allow everything else to provide stepping stones in the form of lessons and blessings in disguise.

So to you I say, which will you focus on more today... the strengths or the struggles? Remember, on this journey, the choices are yours and yours alone.

*Peace & Blessings*

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