Paranoid Like a Mofo

Do you ever start getting into your own head while looking at someone and find yourself suddenly questioning nearly everything about them?

Yea, me neither! But let's just say for a minute I did... ya know get noggin-deep in my thoughts and put up a magnifying glass of doubt and uncertainty. What would that say about me?

I actually think I know the answer to that question! *I'll wait for my gold star after I give my response* Anywho, I think it says that I have insecurities.

"Wait, what? YOU have insecurities?!"

IKR!... One would think I would recognize how fabulous I truly am (of course I'm being totally tongue-in-cheek here). But I'm just as human (I think); as the next person on this planet. Sometimes I doubt myself, my entire self. Then once I allow that minuscule amount of doubt to creep into my cerebrum, it's pretty much curtains from there.

For instance, I might look in the mirror and see the face of the stay-puff man's wife looking back at me. So what do I do?
  • A. Buy make-up to try to compensate and cover-up what bugs me (after watching contour/highlight vids on YouTube)
  • B. Stare at the mirror and talk to myself with put-downs
  • C. Start stretching my face around like a lunatic, wondering what it would be like to have one less chin

Ok, so that was a trick question because I've been guilty of them all a time or two in my life. The funny thing is that even as I type about it, I realize how cah-razy it all really is. However, the knowledge of the truth and the application of it are two totally different things.

I think I mentioned I'm still a work-in-progress. But rest assured that although I have my 'issues'... these are simply the moments that allow me to understand your struggles even more. Why?... Because I've literally walked in your shoes!

  • Had bouts with Depression to the point of medication?... ME TOO!
  • Contemplated suicide?... ME TOO!
  • Felt like you were on top of the world? ... ME TOO!
  • Been in an abusive situation?... ME TOO!
  • Understood what it's like to truly be loved unconditionally?... ME TOO!

Truth of the matter is: we have experiences in life to learn lessons, but even more, we have them so that we can connect with each other on a level of compassion, empathy and understanding. We all have our stories and our moments of feeling alone or self-doubt due to insecurities. The beauty behind it?... We don't have to be ashamed of them.

Did I go off on a tangent? Whoopsies, it's late and I'm shleepy... but I'm hoping you get my drift either way.

*Peace and Blessings*

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