Chill The Fuk Out

Guess what, y'all?!!!! I went outside of the house again this weekend!

If you're new to this blog let me take a step back to explain why this is such a big deal. You see, I'm a total hermit. I don't do it on purpose, I actually dislike the fact that I'm a recluse. It's quite ironic how it all works out for me: I get major anxiety leaving the house, yet I crave outside interaction, however I am never really given the opportunity to do things that allow for basic relaxation without rockin' my "Mommy Title".

  • Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? 
  • Is it that I creep people out to the point of them not wanting to associate with me outside of requesting/receiving a reading?
  • Is the Universe reinforcing the notion that I do not need to be out-and-about; and instead telling me that I need to focus inward?
  • Orrrrrr, am I just thinking about this way too much and being overly dramatic? [lol, wouldn't be the first time]

Yet, there I was, outside in all my nervous splendor... Working HARD to not absorb everyone else's bullshyt and to enjoy the moment. (*I say, bullshyt in the most loving way possible.) Was I able to relax? Yeap, there were moments when I forgot about the Mommy checklist, got out of my own head and existed within the moment. There were also moments when all I could do was breathe in the thoughts of those around me. After all, how does one stop breathing?

So what is the lesson? What. Is. The. Lesson?

Simply put... I need to keep working on chilling the fuk out! I'm obsessed with the ideals of things and that is what keeps me trapped in the feeling of mediocrity. I create some fantasy of what I think my life should look like, when in reality my life is what it is and I'm happy/blessed with it just as it exists! Now don't get me wrong... I will never stop striving for the best and brightest; but sometimes moments are meant to be enjoyed for what they are, not what you think they should be. We can't risk missing out on current bliss because we are to busy watching over someone else's lawn. [wait, did that make sense?]

Maybe it's time to take some of this pressure off. Clearly this is an ongoing process, but that's not an excuse to give-up.

What are you working on?....

*Peace and Blessings*

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