About Last Night...

...So last night, or should I say bright this morning I was seemingly transferred to a different place, a different time and perhaps even a different dimension. I found myself frustrated from the lack of true sleep. Between my children waking me up every hour for various reasons and my slipping into strong visions I was tempted to cry or even lash out in anger/frustration. (Spoiler Alert: I didn't do either, instead I just kind of gave-in and went with whatever was coming my way in that moment.)

Anywho, why am I sharing this? Well, hell... I share (or at least try to) share most major moments along this journey of mine.

Here are two things I was compelled to share last night in my Facebook Readings Group:

This first post reflects our world as it currently stands. The interesting part is that I am not very focused in political events. It's not that I don't care as much as it is that I physically struggle with understanding and processing the spiral in which we are all currently caught. So that's a part of the reason i know the following vision is not from me. It's from a higher plane, an understanding and view that is larger than myself...

This second posting was more about My Abilities than it was about world events. 

Told ya it was a gnarly night!

Does any of this resonate with you?! Perhaps I viewed into your life, psyche, greater understanding, whatever you may call it. I ask not only to help guide you, but to help guide myself! After all, we are here to help each other! Never forget that and never hesitate to act on that.

*Peace and Blessings*

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