WTF World?!

There has been so much shit happening in this world of ours that I find myself in some sort of back-and-forth shuffle of emotion. I am mortified by the tragedies that have taken place, not only in Paris, as the hashtags bring note to; but to ALL of the horrendously heinous acts taken against humanity. From the "small time" pick pockets to the terrorist actions that touch EVERYONE in this world.

I am heart broken for those touched in a direct way and saddened for the rest of the world, regardless of which side of "the act" they find themselves on. Thing of it is, EVERYONE is affected by these things that we find ourselves doing to each other, regardless of which side of the coin you stand. For those that find no other option than to carry out these acts, for the sake of their cause... to those that fall victim.

What's worse is that this will not be the end of such times. This will not be the last time we are called to change our profile pictures as a silent gesture of solidarity. But, why is that?.... The answer is quite simple even through all of its complexities. You see, we will never see peace until we learn our lessons.

I've predicted before and I will say it again (not as a means of manifestation, but as blatant truth). Actions will always repeat until we learn the intended lesson. In other words, let's look at our actions as a people:

  • Are we still comparing ourselves to one another?
  • Do we continue to point fingers of blame?
  • Do we still use religion and/or political stance as a means of promoting our personal agendas?
  • Are we still labeling each other? [i.e. providing means to place ourselves into categories]
  • Etc, etc, etc...

Now don't get me wrong; although I remain on this spiritual journey; I do not stand from a place of utter and complete perfection. I too find myself passing judgement on occasions such as these. Perhaps it's a knee-jerk reaction. Maybe it's how the world has conditioned me to respond. Fact of the matter is, it matters not in why we do such things [when looking at the big picture]. What matters is that we continue to do it.

So what is the solution? Well, if I had the answer to that question I would hold the very key to the world. Yet, what I do know is that  whatever this answer may be, it begins from within. In other words, we must decide that we no longer want to trend in the direction we are headed as a society; and then take ownership in our part of changing things. It may seem impossible, but so do the most magnificent changes we have made as a civilization thus far. {Think: segregation, slavery, voting rights, hell just think of the internet!} All of the aforementioned things would either still be in action (in the majority of the world), or would have never come about if we stood still without acknowledging and then taking action on what seemed to be impossible.

What I am suggesting will not happen over night, but we must be cognizant that the changes that take time are more apt to 'sticking'. So this is where I propose that YOU start owning your shit! It's a process, but one that is very worthwhile. Perhaps start by shifting one thought at a time... When you are tempted to cuss someone the fuck out, take a breath! (Trust me... I still find myself having to do this one.) Take a breath and think, "self, will my complicating this situation and expressing myself in the form of verbal rage get me the long-term results that I long for?" And when you realize that your urge is based in immediate satisfaction, but not long-term results; you will be about 90% less likely to go off. [Yea, that 10% remains; but that is much more easy to overcome than 100%.]

Anywho, I'm starting to ramble so I'm gonna cut this short here. Hopefully you get my drift by now. Bottom line is.... Be nice and treat others as you wish to be treated! It's not about changing someone else, as much as it is about changing yourself. Now go be the change!!!! [If you'd like to know more about "being the change"... purchase a copy of my book! Seriously, you'll be entertained while seeing true life examples of how YOU can claim your own power. ...because the world won't change until YOU do. Click here to purchase kindle version - $2.99 -OR- paperback version - $9]

*Peace and Blessings*

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