I Get The Picture... I Think

I've mentioned in the blog-before-last (hope you followed that); how I had taken a step back from the whole "Marisa Moments" thing because of an adult-tantrum. However, I didn't mention in depth what is bringing me back. Simply put it's been...


No, seriously! I find it wildly entertaining how much the Universe and Spirit conspire to bring people and moments into your life to validate that you are on the right path. Not only to bring confirmation, but to push your ass even further! In my case, I'm very [very] stubborn and when I don't feel like doing something; I will have not even the smallest part of it. So Spirit has been working overtime on me. Having you send me direct messages, emails and even talking to people close to me in a manner that would ensure the messages get back to me. Even my therapist asked me about my website, which served as another reminder to get my happy ass in gear!

The thing I have to remind myself is that although, yes, this journey is intended to help me progress in life with better clarity, wisdom and peace... I have been given a "gift". If I don't use this gift to help others, then what the hell is the point?! Yes, I'm often forced to cross outside of my comfort zone when doing this work; but I believe that it's part of the bigger picture.

Bottom line is that we are here in this physical realm to help each other. So we must do anything and everything we can to see this dream manifest into reality, even if it means being uncomfortable.

So what are you holding back on that you know is a part of your highest calling? Perhaps this is your reminder to get your ass in gear too!

*Peace and Blessings*

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