There are many different forms of distance. Some distance is tangible in that you can literally recognize a far physical proximity from one person to another. For instance, I live in one state/country while you may live in a very different one. (Physical distance) Then we have emotional distance, which is where you can feel that something just does not feel quite right... you may not talk the way you used to, look at each other the way you used to... things have changed although outwardly they may look the same. You can feel a difference in your heart, but you just can't put your finger on what has shifted.
Well, for this post I'm only addressing emotional Distance.
In my life I've experienced so many types of distance. Yet I cannot always look to place blame on the other party because in this journey I have learned that I must own my actions if I ever wish to grow from my experiences. Of late it seems as if many of my relationships with those outside of my home have faded. Some were out of my hands, whilst others have faded simply because the effort that I once put forth in maintaining these relationships was spent towards other priorities. This does not mean that I no longer care; it simply means that I am recognizing that in order to achieve balance in my life I must first focus on myself so that I can in-turn become a stronger beacon for those around me.
Thing of it is, I am a fixer and an absorber; and it exhausts my being to the core. I try to portray myself outwardly as being able to carry the weight of the world, yet sometimes even I (Earthly being that I am)... need to take a moments for myself, which in turn creates distance. I try not to remain offline for too long because I am painfully aware that in reality, absence does not necessarily make the heart grow fonder. So I step back, take a clearer look at the big picture and then when I am ready I make effort to rejoin the scene.
Distance is not always a four-letter-word (erm, you get my drift)... Sometimes it is just what the doctor ordered. Some will understand, while many will not. However, if you find yourself in a situation that feels to be that of emotional distance, you have options. You can approach the situation from a concerned standpoint versus that of making assumptions. From there you have the power to decide if you want to stick around or if you want to leave things as they are. But know this... the actions and words of another have very little to do with you. So whether it is you that is creating the distance or experiencing it, you have the ability to make things as you wish them to be. Shift your perceptions and you will shift your reality.
This is your life, so take the lead.... none of us are victims of circumstance unless we so choose to be.
*Peace and Blessings*
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Marisa Moments Website Twitter: @MarisaMoments Facebook Page: MarisaMoments Email: Marisa@marisamoments.com |
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