A Lucid Dream

What if I were to tell you that the world you see in front of you is simply an elaborate illusion?  What if I said you need but look to the sky to see the evidence of us all existing within the brush strokes of a great creator?  Each moment, each step, each word carefully drawn with love and purpose in the nanosecond prior to the moment occurring.  Yes, we all have the freewill to choose which direction we turn, but this creator has the script long before the words appear on the page and is able to paint accordingly.  Did I lose you?

Good... stay with me, there is a point.

I offer this grand hypothetical to not only give you a reason to take pause during your day to look towards the skies, but to create a spark of interest in the possibilities that exist.  As beings of the Earth, we covet the ability to label and define all that we see.  We find comfort in the tangible and side-eye that which we cannot explain or fully comprehend.  

If I were to tell you that this life was simply A Lucid Dream that served to test our souls in consideration of our next phase after these lives are done... would you re-evaluate some of your life decisions?

The point is... we choose to accept that which we can prove because most other things beyond the scope of understanding and comfort lead to uncertainty.  This in turn leads to dismissal.  So today I propose existing within the possibilities of greatness.  Let us exist under the notion that this is a dream and as we all know; dreams are temporary.  So let's live our dreams in anticipation of a greater awakening.

Take control of your today, by shifting your perspective and focusing on love and light.

*Peace and Blessings*


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