I Was Here

Do you ever stop yourself in the middle of an action to think of the impact you are making?  Do you look back to see the footprints you have etched into the earth, paving the way for others to come behind you?  How about walking in a freshly fallen snow, sinking your feet deep into the snow?

Fact is we all leave a mark on the world in our wake.  Whether it is footprints in the snow that allow those behind us to have a safer/clearer path to travel, is completely up to you (I know I'm not the only one that walks in the footprints of another to avoid a spill when the elements don't work in my favor).  Today as I speak to another, no matter to whom my words reach and what relevance that person has in my life; I will speak from love and light.  I will do my very best to treat others only as I wish to be treated [golden rule].  I will battle down the inclinations to get angry or frustrated and retain my calm.  

With every word that I speak and type, I think about the impact that I will have on another.  I will therefore do my very best to only portray truth and be a messenger of HIS word.  I will exist without regret and not hope for results to come from the words I do not say; instead I will own my actions and my words.  

Becoming the change I wish to see in the world is not a journey of simplicity; it requires awareness of self and those around me.  At times it can be exhausting, but I recognize that temporary discomfort can oftentimes lead to greater good.  

What will the memories that you leave behind show?  I know that my impact will be magickal and astonishing!  Everyone will know... I Was Here!  

*Peace and Blessings*

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